Disagreement in Science and Beyond

July 3 and 4, 2017

Disagreement in Science and Beyond

Disagreement in Science and Beyond

A workshop organised by WEXD (Dublin) and CSER (Cambridge)

July 3 and 4, 2017 University College Dublin Venue: UCD Sutherland School of Law,  Room L143

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Day 1: Monday July 3

9.30-10.20 Paul Boghossian (New York University)
Normative relativism and disagreement

10.20-11.10 Adam Carter (University of Glasgow)
Archimedean Metanorms

11.10-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-12.20 Nick Hughes (UCD School of Philosophy, IRC Postdoctoral Fellow)
A Dilemmic Approach to the Epistemology of Disagreement

12.20-1.10 Huw Price (University of Cambridge and CSER)
My Dinner with Andrea – Cold Fusion, Sane Science, and the Reputation Trap

1.10- 2.30 Lunch  

2.30-3.20 Helen De Cruz (Oxford Brookes University)
Expert disagreement in Science and Religion

3.20-4.10 Geert Keil (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)
When experts disagree: A case study from academic philosophy  

4.10-4.30 Coffee Break

4.30-5.20 Maria Baghramian (UCD School of Philosophy) and Annalisa Coliva (University of California, Irvine).
Disagreement and Relativism

Day 2: Tuesday July 4

9.30-10.20 Adrian Currie (University of Cambridge and CSER)
Disagreement and Productivity

10.20-11.10 Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh)
Points of view: scientific evidence and perspectival knowledge

11.10-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30 -12.20 Kirsten Walsh (University of Nottingham)
How Many Colours?

12.20-1.10 Mikio Akagi (Texas Christian University and WEXD)
You Say Potato; I Say Parameterization: Modelling Conceptual Disagreement by Tracking Background Commitments

1.20-2.30 Lunch

2.30-3.20 Finnur Dellsén ((University College Dublin and WEXD)
The Epistemic Value of Expert Autonomy

3.20-3.40 Coffee Break

3.40-4.30 Anjan Chakravartty (University of Notre Dame)
Scientific Evidence and the Uniqueness Thesis

4.30 Round Table Discussion 

6.00 Close of the workshop

When Experts Disagree Research Project (WEXD) is supported by the Irish Research Council


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